Simply Social Media - Podcast
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Simply Social Media - Podcast
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Kelly Janowski is the social media and public relations ma
nager for the Society of Women Engineers. In her time with SWE, she has increased the number of users on SWE’s Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn groups, along with establishing SWE’s Tumblr account featuring daily historic images from our archives. Kelly also pioneered the monthly #AskSWE tweetchats, which bring  members
together for a virtual coffee date to network and discuss solutions for common career challenges. She was recently recognized for the SWE campaign she created during Women’s History Month with an honorable me ntion from PR Daily’s Nonprofit Awards in the Best Use of Social Media category. A longtime social media user, Kelly applies her insights from years of blogging and online community building.
Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
November 19, 2013