The Women Engineers' Guide to Bringing In the Business: Showcasing Your Expertise Without Bragging (Part 2)
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The Women Engineers' Guide to Bringing In the Business: Showcasing Your Expertise Without Bragging (Part 2)
PDFSeptember 10, 2013 SWE PowerPoint Slides (1 per page).pdf
PDFSeptember 10, 2013 SWE PowerPoint Slides (3 per page).pdf
WMVWomen Engineers’ Guide to Bringing In the Business: Showcasing Your Expertise Without Bragging (Pa

Computational methods in engineering enable fast, convenient and accurate simulation, design or analysis of complex systems. As a result, computation has become a fundamental tool that is widely across all engineering disciplines. Traditional computational analysis in engineering relies on desktop workstations. But with the recent rise of mobile and cloud computing, the ways that engineers are utilizing computation is changing. In this webinar, we examine the increasingly important role of these new technologies across a range of engineering disciplines, and we consider emerging trends that may transform engineering workflows in the near future.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
September 10, 2013