Ready To Be a Thought Leader?
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Denise Brosseau   [ view bio ]
PDFSWE PowerPoint Slides (1 per page).pdf
PDFSWE PowerPoint Slides (3 per page).pdf
MP4Ready to be a thought leader?

Within their fields, thought leaders are sources of inspiration and innovation. They have the gift of harnessing their expertise and their networks to make their innovative thoughts real and easy to replicate, sparking sustainable change and even creating movements around their ideas. Why become a thought leader? No matter where you are in your career, thought leadership is the key that unlocks a whole new level of professional accomplishment and achievement as well as career and personal satisfaction. If you are ready to increase your influence, expand your impact and become a trusted change agent and thought leader in your niche, this program is for you.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
June 25, 2014